New staff start process

Wednesday 19 October 2016

We’ve been working with HR to review the process for new staff joining the University to see how we could improve their experience. Historically, new starts had to visit three separate locations around campus to activate their account. This process was frustrating and time-consuming for both the new members of staff and their line managers in the Schools/Units. We have managed to reduce this to only one location (HR at the Old Burgh School), with much of the work being done prior to the new member of staff’s first day, thus creating a better experience for them.

The feedback received so far has been email-activation-samplepositive. The change enabled a much smoother appointment of staff and helped reduce the amount of visits to the ID Cards and IT Service Desk teams.

Huge thanks to everyone in HR and IT Services who made this happen. HR are now considering incorporating a similar process for re-starters (previous members of staff who now have a new contract with the University) to improve the experience and
create more efficiencies in our processes.

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