IT Security Advice

Monday 11 September 2017

As we have started a new Academic Year, a security reminder which we hope will help protect you, your colleagues and the University.

Universities are particularly appealing targets for hackers and phishing attempts designed to steal personal data and passwords, particularly because of the sheer number of personal records in our open, collaborative environment, which we very much value.

More and more high profile data breaches are reaching the news headlines, with the latest one reporting that 700 million email addresses have been publicly leaked. Although there is no direct threat to the University, it’s worth checking that you are doing what you can to keep yourself secure online:

  • Create strong passwords: The password web pages provide guidance on how to create unique and memorable passwords to make you less vulnerable to cyber threats;
  • Do not use your University username or password for any other accounts, e.g. social media;
  • Be vigilant for scams and phishing emails: e.g. do not click on links from suspicious emails. If you are unsure about an email you receive, please forward it to [email protected].uk to bring it to the attention of our IT Security team (please ensure any attachments are included);
  • Familiarise yourself with the IT security advice on the University’s web pages.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the IT Service Desk in the first instance.

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