Changes to Microsoft file storage for students

Bethany Reid
Wednesday 29 January 2025

Microsoft has reduced the University’s storage allocation by 98% so you may need to review your OneDrive files. 

Why Microsoft are reducing our storage 

In a statement released last year to explain the changes to education file storage offering across the globe, Microsoft said: 

“Some of the benefits we expect to see include helping schools reduce some of the security risks associated with legacy storage and data sprawl, a top concern for most chief risk officers, while also benefiting our shared environmental footprint.” 

How this change will affect students 

The University will soon apply a 50GB quota on OneDrive accounts for all students (PGR, PGT and UG). We have already applied the 50GB quota to University staff accounts.

Students under 45GB

From February 2025, when students are near the 50GB limit, they will receive an email advising them to review their files. 

Students between 45GB and 50GB

Students between 45GB and 50GB will receive an automatic email advising them that they are near the limit. IT Services will contact these students ahead of time, so they expect this advisory email and know to review their files in the near future. IT Services will apply a 50GB quota for these students in February 2025

Students over 50GB 

IT Services will liaise with students over 50GB to make them aware. Students over 50GB should review and reduce their storage by May 2025. OneDrive accounts which exceed 50GB after May 2025 will become read-only. If you require an extension beyond May 2025, get in touch with IT Services. 

Four things you need to do going forwards 

1. If you’re near or over the 50GB quota, review and reduce your files in OneDrive 

To review your usage, log into OneDrive. Once you’ve logged in, scroll to the bottom right of the page to see how much cloud storage you’re using. 

If you select the hyperlink embedded in your usage figure, for example ‘33GB of 50GB used’, you will be shown your largest files.  

To clear your deleted files, go to your Recycle Bin and select ‘Empty recycle bin’. 

2. Keep an eye on your usage over the course of your studies

Although you may not be using over 50GB now, you may gradually use more storage throughout the remainder of your time at the University. Students should expect to receive the following email when they are near their limit and follow the above steps when needed. 

3. Download files you want to keep beyond finishing your studies

You will lose access to their OneDrive six months after finishing your studies. As part of your review, you may want to download files which you want to keep long-term. 

4. Get in touch with IT Services if you feel you require more storage

If you’re unsure how to navigate OneDrive, feel you need more time, or feel the 50GB quota isn’t enough for your studies, reach out to the IT Service Desk and we’ll handle exceptions on a case-by-case basis. 

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