Introducing our new Digital Workplace Apprentice

Bethany Reid
Monday 16 August 2021

Andrew Leinster from Kingskettle (Fife) joined us on Monday 9th August as our new Digital Workplace Apprentice.  

Since 2012, in partnership with QA Apprenticeships, IT Services has recruited apprentices across a range of technical specialisms, including IT Service Desk, IT/AV Support, Telecoms, Infrastructure and Cyber Security, but this is the first time we have recruited a Digital Workplace Apprentice.

Pauline Brown, Associate Chief Information Officer (Service Delivery) explains why:  

During lockdown, there’s been a huge growth in the demand for support in the use of digital tools for home working, teaching and learning. Our business relationship team have been extremely busy running regular online sessions, providing 1-1 support and producing a lot of content (guidance and best practice) for users to help them make the most of the productivity tools that are available to them.    

We thought it would be a great opportunity for a young person to work with us to develop their skills in this growth area, as well as gaining a qualification in Digital Marketing with QA Apprenticeships.  During his two years with us, as we do with all our IT apprentices, we’ll make sure Andrew learns and develops a range of skills and competencies to help him in his future career.

Pauline Brown

Associate Chief Information Officer (Service Delivery)

What will this apprenticeship involve? 

Through Andrew’s two year apprenticeship, he’ll learn about the tools and support which IT Services provide for the University, engage with staff to increase adoption, and promote them through our various communication channels.

Support our BPLO during sessions and presentations 

We’ve been hosting regular sessions over the last 15 months to help staff get to know the Microsoft 365 tools available to them. The tools which helped us all stay connected through lockdown will continue to play an important role in our working lives as we return to the office. In light of the great uptake and stream of new features, we plan to continue these sessions going forward. 

Andrew will be supporting this activity, alongside our Business Productivity Liaison Officer, Mark. 

Keep an eye out for him during our next weekly cuppa’ Teams, IT security event or Tips and Tricks session. 

Produce IT blogs and social media 

The IT Services blog is our main channel for issuing news, guidance and best practice. As we progress towards a hybrid workplace model, we aim to keep staff up to date with the latest Microsoft changes. 

Andrew will help us inform staff through regular blog, newsletters and Twitter posts. Be sure to: 

Assisting with deskside inductions 

IT Services has carried out over one hundred 1-to-1 inductions to walk staff through the technology they’ll be using in their new role. This includes how to get help, eduroam wifi and using Microsoft Teams. Our Digital Workplace Apprentice will assist with these moving forward. 

Engage with colleagues about digital tools

We encourage staff and students to get in touch with the IT Service Desk if you’d like to learn more about any of our services. Andrew will play an important role in engaging with staff about the digital tools available to them through drop-ins, demos and informal meetings. 


About Andrew

I’m really excited to be joining IT Services and learning more about the team, and the tasks it performs daily. I chose to go down the apprenticeship route having left after my fifth year of high school and wanting to spend some time getting hands on experience before heading back for higher education. I have never worked in IT before, although I have worked for a sports magazine and in a zoo doing a range of tasks from graphic design and writing to photography and feeding the armadillos (hope you can guess which role that was in). I love exploring Scotland by mountain bike – taking photos as I go, as well as being creative, and capturing action + emotion through photography.

Andrew Leinster

Digital Workplace Apprentice

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