Search by author: Bethany Reid

Bethany Reid

Five reasons to repair your tech at PC Clinic

The University opened a PC Clinic in the 1990s. The PC Clinic is an IT Services-led repair shop for staff and students looking to fix their personal devices. If you haven’t used this service already, we’ve compiled…

How to enable Wi-Fi calling

Mobile phone coverage can vary, particularly inside larger buildings or rural areas. Wi-Fi calling allows you make phone calls over wireless networks (including eduroam) rather than over the 4G or 5G mobile signal. 

Number matching prompts to combat MFA fatigue attacks

Last year, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published new guidance to raise awareness of a new threat, multi-factor authentication (MFA) fatigue, and how organisations can protect themselves…

IT handover: a checklist for staff leavers

Before you leave the University, files and resources should be made available to your team and IT kit handed back. Go through this checklist so that your team can continue to work after you leave. Some of these steps…

IT guidance for teaching staff

In the last few years, we have offered a rolling programme of training and familiarisation sessions to teaching staff, as well as in-room and online guides. Following recent feedback from teaching staff last semester,…